Monday through Thursday evening: Join us on Facebook at 7 pm for a daily reflection. All reflections will be posted to this site about an hour after they air on Facebook.
March 9 through March 23. Youth Group Nut roll sale. This year we are using Baker Ben's Bakery and will also sell strudel and sticky buns. Cost for nut rolls is $17 and flavors are nut, poppyseed, apricot. Cost for strudel is $11 and flavors are apple, blueberry and cherry. Sticky buns come in 3 packs and 6 packs and can be plain or with nuts. Cost ranges from $6.50-$11, depending on size and flavor. Delivery will be on April 6. Call 610-533-0161 or email
Every Wednesday at 7 pm from March 12 through April 9: Lenten services where we will hear from five Bible characters who will clarify how their lives were changed when Jesus entered their lives--Judas, Peter, Caiaphas, Herod and Pontius Pilate. All services will be in person and live on Facebook.
Sunday, April 13: 9 am, Palm Sunday. Our annual Palm Sunday procession around the church will return this year, as long as the weather is nice.
Tuesday, April 15: Whitehall Hunger Initiative will host a free community meal at the church from 4-6 pm. Everyone is welcome! Meals are guaranteed for the first 100 guests.
Thursday, April 17: Our Maundy Thursday service begins at 7 pm. We will share a covered dish dinner prior to the service, beginning at 6 pm. Join us as we celebrate our young individual who will be receiving communion for the first time.
Friday, April 18: Our Good Friday service begins at 7 pm. This is an extremely moving service as we mourn Jesus, but look forward to his resurrection on Sunday.
Friday, April 18, 8 pm through Saturday, April 19, 7 pm: Prayer vigil. Sign up for your hour in the sanctuary soon.
Sunday, April 20: Hallelujah!! Jesus is Risen!! Celebrate Easter Sunday at 7 and 9 am. Sunday School students will celebrate with an Easter egg hunt at 10:15 am, a lesson and other fun activities.
Sunday, April 27: The youth group will be hosting a penny party beginning at 12:30 pm. Cost is $1 for an envelope of tickets. Come out and join the youth group as they begin their fundraising for the 2027 ELCA Youth Gathering which will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Food and beverages will be available at an additional cost, as well as a raffle for some fun prizes!
Sunday, June 1: Our last day of Sunday School will be at 10:15 am.
Sunday, June 8: Confirmation will take place on Pentecost! We will celebrate with one young man as he affirms his Baptismal Vows and is Confirmed. Please remember to WEAR RED on this joyful occasion.
June 23-27, 6-8:30 pm: Vacation Bible School. Our theme is True North, Trusting Jesus in a Wild World! Ages 3-finishing 6th grade are welcome!! Check out the Youth page for more information and how to register. Registration opens on Easter Sunday, April 20.
Sunday, July 27: Our church picnic will be held at Egypt Park. Our day will begin with worship at 10:15. All are invited to remain at the park after worship for our annual congregational picnic. Those who plan to remain for the picnic portion of the morning should bring a covered dish to share as well as your own plates, utensils and cold drinks. The church will provide hot dogs and coffee. Please sign up or call the church so can have enough hot dogs for everyone.