Because of the pandemic and wishing everyone to keep healthy and safe, we have cancelled the prayer vigil in our church, but invite you to take time at home and pray to God.

On this Good Friday, may we take the time to reflect upon what God has so graciously given to us.  May we read his Word and pray to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Exodus 23:25
Deuteronomy 31:8-9
Joshua 1:9-10
2 Kings 20:5
Psalm 6:2
Psalm 23
Psalm 27:1
Psalm 86:17
Psalm 119:76
Psalm 9:9
Psalm 46:1
Psalm 116:1-2
Psalm 119:48-52
Psalm 146:8
Proverbs 17:22
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 53:4-6
Lamentations 3:31-62
Matthew 8:1-3
Matthew 9:20-22
Matthew 11:28-30
Matthew 8:14-15
Mark 6:56
Luke 4:41
John 14:16-17
John 14:26-27
James 5:6
James 5:14-15
3 John 1:2
Revelation 21:4




O God, it is your will to hold both heaven and earth in a single peace.  Let the design of your great love shine on the waste of our wraths and sorrows and give peace to your church, peace among nations, peace in our homes and peace in our hearts; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Gracious and  holy God, lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth.  Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust.  Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace.  Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.  Amen

Peace among the nations

Gracious God, grant peace among nations.  Cleanse from our own hearts the seeds of strife: greed and envy, harsh misunderstandings and ill will, fear and desire for revenge.  Make us quick to welcome ventures in cooperation among the peoples of the world, so that there may be woven the fabric of a common good too strong to be torn by the evil hands of war.  In the time of opportunity, make us be diligent and in the time of peril, let not our courage fail; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

National distress

Eternal God, amid all the turmoil and changes of the world your love is steadfast and your strength never fails.  In this time of danger and trouble, be to us a sure guardian and rock of defense.  Guide the leaders of our nation with your wisdom, comfort those in distress, and grant us courage and hope to face the future; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.  Amen

Time of conflict, crisis, disaster

God, our refuge and strength, you have bound us together  in a common life.  In all our conflicts, help us to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, to listen for your voice amid competing claims, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

O God, where hearts are fearful and constricted, grant courage and hope.   Where anxiety is infectious and widening, grant peace and reassurance.  Where impossibilities close every door and window, grant imagination and resistance.  Where distrust twists our thinking, grant healing and illumination.  Where spirits are daunted and weakened, grant soaring wings and strengthened dreams.  All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.  Amen

Gracious God, as we continue in this time of the pandemic, please grant us safety and good health.  Be present with all those who suffer in any way.  Grant Your healing presence to all who are sick, lonely, isolated and anxious.  All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.  Amen