

The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee handles the budgeting and accounting for the church.

The Learning Committee

The Learning Committee includes all Sunday school teachers and assistants.  This committee organizes the Sunday school classes, ensures materials are available for teachers and gets involved in the planning of events for the children, including the Christmas Pageant, Easter Egg hunt, puppet shows, and many others.

The Mutual Ministry Committee

The Mutual Ministry Committee's purpose is the affirming and strengthening of the mission of the congregation and the ministry of the staff. This is accomplished through
- listening and clarifying
- sharing and communication
- reviewing and reflecting

The Revitalization Committee

The Revitalization Committee is an informal committee that was formed to bring about change creating a more community atmosphere that appeals to the church membership outside of the Sunday services leading to recruitment, retention and reactivation of members. To date the activities generated by the committee include church family and friends group attendance at the  Iron Pigs, the Pines Dinner Theatre, family game nights, a church picnic service and post-service fellowship. The committee is also working with the worship & music committee, the pastor, and the organist/music director to add additional worship options along contemporary lines If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please speak to Dale Ott.

The Service Committee

The Service Committee assists with service projects both at Shepherd of the Hills and within the community. Some of these projects include food, clothing, gifts and/or donation drives for the benefit of the Blind Association, the Lehigh County Conference of Churches, the food bank, the ingathering, Pathways or disaster victims. These individuals organize volunteers for the soup kitchen, Salvation Army, State Hospital, In-gathering packaging and many other projects.

The Support Committee

The Support Committee works to maintain the church facility by replacing and/or improving areas that need attention. These individuals also help maintain the grounds including the parking area, lawns and shrubs.

The Witness Committee

The Witness Committee helps to welcome new members into the church family through the Cradle Roll (welcoming newly baptized infants) and Cookie Ministry (volunteers that visit those who have expressed an interest in becoming members of our church). This team also guides the Congregation with Greeters, the Prayer Chain, the Nursery, the Pictorial Directory and the Care Package Ministry.

The Worship Committee

The Worship Team assists with many wonderful ways to enrich our worship at Shepherd of the Hills.