Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church is located in Whitehall, a beautiful suburb of Allentown, Pennsylvania. The church was organized in 1759 and has been at it's current location since 1976. The church is a member of Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
We began 2022 with a total membership of 360 individuals. Our members are very active and participate in various church and community events throughout the year.
Some of our activities include:
- Collecting for the "Souper Bowl"
- Collections of items for Pathways and the Food Bank
- Yearly Outdoor Service and Church Picnic
- Vacation Bible School
- Annual "Deck the Halls" party
- Christmas Carol Pilgrimage
Our youth members get involved through activities sponsored by our youth group.
Some youth activities include:
- Children's parties for holidays
- Roast beef and spaghetti dinners
- Basket Bingo and Penny Parties
- Volunteering at the Parkland CARES Food Pantry and the Miracle League
- Filling Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child
- Clothing Drives
- In 2027, we will be attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN.
We are truly blessed at Shepherd of the Hills and we hope you will come share in the blessings and feel the joy that comes with knowing you are working together in God's name.